XENU TV LogoI was recently interviewed for the first issue of a new fanzine called Next Stop Nowhere. Dave from Newest Industries wanted to ask a few questions about Scientology and about XENU TV. Now, I don’t know much about punk rock (okay, virtually nothing) but I do know about fanzines and the love and passion you have to have to invest your time into putting one together so I was happy to show my support. And Dave lives in Cardiff, home of both the new “Dr. Who” and “Torchwood” series. How cool is that? Even “Sid and Nancy” quoted the Daleks.

A lot of people ask me these or similar questions, so I thought I would add this to the site as “A Beginner’s Guide to XENU TV.”


dave at newest industriesQ: To start with, could you give us a brief synopsis of Scientology from your perspective – including what the fundamental principles are, plus when and why you got involved with speaking out against it? When did you first start filming the cult’s activities, and when was XenuTV.com initially set up? What problems have you encountered since setting the website up, if any?

I was introduced to Scientology back in the 1980’s by “60 Minutes.” They did two terrific reports, in 1980 and 1985, which showed the impact this organization had on the small town of Clearwater, Florida. It was a very chilling story which showed a sleepy beach community, made up primarily of retirees, being invaded and occupied by a paramilitary organization disguised as a church.

Those are harsh words but when you look at the actions Scientology took upon entering Clearwater, they are accurate. Scientology files uncovered in FBI raids in Los Angeles and Washington provided a detailed look at the covert operations Scientology ran to target their enemies and destroy them, including attacks on the mayor of the city, Gabe Cazares.

This was a fascinating story. How could a religion setup a mayor with a phony hit-and run accident? How could a religion setup journalist Paulette Cooper in a phony UN bomb threat which cost her her job, her friends and almost her freedom? Luckily the FBI raids happened before she was to stand trial and the whole sordid Scientology plan called “Operation Freakout” was uncovered and exposed.

What kind of religion behaved this way? The answer was a phony religion created by a science fiction writer to enrich his own coffers. “MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MORE MONEY,” were the exact words in Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384

Scientology was just one of many cults being covered by news magazine shows back in the 70’s and 80’s. The Moonies, the Children of God, the Garbage-Eaters, the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Hare Krishnas all were examined closely by the media at the time. That is not the case anymore.

I was fascinated by the stories but they had no impact on my life in a small, Midwest town and as the media interest died down, my interest in finding out more stopped.

That was to change in 1998 when I moved into a home in the Loz Feliz hills in Los Angeles which had been rented before me by a Scientologist. She apparently split without giving Scientology a forwarding address because I kept getting Scientology magazines delivered to my door.

In reading the magazines, I was struck by just how much gibberish was involved in even an ad for a strange device called an e-meter. Engrams? Enturbulate? Wog World? Thetan? What the hell are these people talking about? And why are they wearing navy uniforms?

By then I had been living in L.A. for over a decade and had passed the Scientology properties without giving them much thought. However, where once my interest in the subject was piqued by a TV broadcast and would fade when the reports died down, now there was a miraculous thing called the internet.

I started doing research and was stunned by what I uncovered. Court documents, confessions from former members and info on the super secret upper levels of Scientology which were said by Hubbard to kill you through pneumonia if you weren’t properly prepared before being exposed to them.

I took the chance and you know what? I survived. I learned all about the evil intergalactic overlord named Xenu. He stuffed us into volcanoes 75 million years ago and blew us all up with hydrogen bombs far more powerful then those we have today.


That was pretty remarkable stuff. I visited the Celebrity Center and took the personality test, played with an e-meter and had my own screening of their Orientation film. I was cracking up by the end of the video when the narrator/host says “You can walk out that door and never mention Scientology again…but you might as well take a gun and blow your brains out.”

I thought there had to be another option. I let them know this was not for me and starting digging deeper into the subject, hunting down several books on Scientology and poring through the archives at FACTnet.

Scientology just got weirder and weirder but they also became much scarier for me as well for now I had a far greater understanding of the horrific lengths they would go to shut people up. I started participating in the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology.

At first I was a lurker, then I adopted the nickname Ben Wog. A wog in Scientology terms is a person outside the church. It was a dismissive term meant to show that we were lower on the totem pole than a mighty Scientologist. Before too long, I gave myself a doctorate in honor of Hubbard’s phony doctorate and became Dr. Benjamin Wog.

One day, CBS ran another piece on Scientology. This one concerned the takeover of the Cult Awareness Network. When once, people could contact CAN to find help when a loved one entered into a destructive group, now the phones were answered by Scientologists.

What a great story. I thought others who hadn’t seen it might be interested. I asked a couple of critics if they’d like to host the video on their websites. Two European critics agreed and with my relatively rare at the time video-capture card, I started encoding video for the web.

I kept my name out of it and was too scared to show my face at a picket when critics came to LA in 1998. I was very impressed though with those who stood up to Scientology. They had bigger balls than I did.

Around that time, Bob Minton, a retired international banker and very active critic of Scientology, took over the stewardship of FACTnet alongside Stacy Brooks, a former Scientologist who had been interviewed for the CAN story. They made an announcement on a.r.s to that effect. I e-mailed them and offered my help with any video needs and they immediately called me back, excited by the idea.

They invited me to attend a Cult Awareness conference on the east coast and I agreed. As the plane touched down I was acutely aware of how my life was about to change and it was pretty scary but I met Bob and Stacy and a lot of other wonderful critics of Scientology, many of them former members, and had a great time.

Bob thrust his miniDV camera in my hand and allowed me to videotape everything. All the behind the scenes action, all the lectures and panels. No concern that I might be a plant. At the end of the event Bob supplied me with a camera and editing equipment.

I traveled to Clearwater for the first time in ’99 to videotape a transit board hearing. At a Clearwater picket, critics had paid for messages to be displayed on the side of city buses: “Think for Yourself, Leave Scientology.” Scientology threatened the transportation department and those signs were taken down within hours.

While there, I got my first taste of Scientology harassment. A male caller phoned my hotel room and said he was from the front desk and asked when I was checking out. I told him, hung up and then began thinking about the call. In all my visits to the front desk, I had never seen a man working in the office.

I went downstairs and, sure enough, the gal at the desk said there was no man working there. However, a man just called and gave her my checkout time, then told her to book me a cab, refusing to give her a name but saying he would be there to meet me.

Suspecting an attempted kidnapping, I called the local police and explained the situation. The next day I got a police escort to the airport as I left town.

I next videotaped a picket on L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday in L.A. That footage has never been edited or shown on the web but hopefully it will get that put up sometime soon. It’s part of hundreds of hours I’ve shot which have never been seen.

A portion of that event has been on the net. On the second day of the picket, I met a Scientology security guard who I’ve nicknamed “Buddy.” I accidentally bumped into him and he tried to have me charged with battery.

The very next day, two Scientologists showed up at my house to picket me after first spreading flyers around my neighborhood, smearing my name. I grabbed my camera and went out and videotaped my conversation with them and
that was when I decided I needed to start my own website.

Everything prior to that had been sent to other critics to be put on their sites but since Scientology now knew who I was, I saw no need to hide and so I created my site XENU TV.

The intent was to give a few dozen regulars on a.r.s. a chance to see other critics in action and document the activities of a few prominent critics. I didn’t know if anyone else would be interested but an odd thing happened. Scientologists started acting like Scientologists in front of my camera.

I’d go to shoot a little five minute piece at street fair and I would be surrounded by goons calling me a drunken, wife-beating, child-molester…even though they had never met me before. Since I dared to criticize Scientology, Hubbard had taught them that I had to be a criminal, so they repeatedly asked “What are your crimes?”

Here for the first time, people could see Scientologists in action and it wasn’t pretty. But it was often quite funny as these people, who had joined the group to be free and “think for themselves,” showed themselves to be pretty indoctrinated into a weird group-think.

The actions of the Scientologists made the site grow in popularity. Several became favorites including Buddy and Dan Murnan, one of the two men who picketed my house. They would pop up from time to time just as though they were Kramer making a wacky entrance into Seinfeld’s apartment.

They became stars! All of it unintended. Much of it pretty fascinating to see.

While I thought management of Scientology was corrupt, these people weren’t my enemy. I felt I would get along great with most of them once they snapped out of their Hubbard created reality so I tried never to be abrasive.

Later, I found that to be true as one woman I had met repeatedly at Scientology events left the group and became an outspoken critic of Scientology. I liked Tory Christman when she was in and I like her now that she’s out. We’re good friends, and when I won my first Emmy award last year for my work in TV news, she was my guest for the event.

My understanding of Scientology and Scientologists has grown over the years. I used to think you had to be screwy to join something like this. After meeting so many former members and reading and studying vast amounts of material, I’ve come to understand better the process that sucks people into such groups.

Scientology is expert at finding a person’s weak spot, in Scientology terms, their “ruin.” They hone in and exploit that weakness.

At first, Scientology is a series of self-help courses. No matter what your problem, Scientology claims they have an answer for it.

Its tentacles reach out to society through various front groups; fighting psychiatry, pushing drug and literacy programs and targeting professionals such as dentists and chiropractors with business management courses.

All roads lead back to the Org. Scientology is looking for new members (raw meat in their not-so-subtle terms) and uses subterfuge to find them. It once used free personality tests, now it’s free stress tests. They try hard to get people in the door and fight hard to keep them in.

The early Scientology courses seem innocent enough but they are laying the groundwork for what’s to come by training you how to think and behave the Scientology way. They teach you to command and to be commanded all at the same time.

You are love-bombed by neatly dressed, attractive people who smile and talk about how wonderful life is inside the group, how they are working hard to save the planet, doing positive things with their lives and welcoming you to join with them. In a moment of need, you may well turn to them.

They start to introduce you to loaded language, which are terms only members of the group understand. It is one key element of how cults separate their members from society. You’re persuaded not to watch TV, listen to the radio or watch TV. Journalists are “Merchants of Chaos” not to be trusted.

If your former friends and family speak negatively about the group, they become “potential trouble sources.” You are urged to handle them before it gets worse and they become “Suppressive Persons.” Should that happen, you have to sever any contact with them.

The Scientology act of “disconnection” breaks up families and is one of the abuses which cause critics to speak out about the group.

There’s also an element of bait-and-switch to the religion. The early courses are centered around you. They aim to help you communicate better, produce more at work, have a better marriage, get along better with your kids. It’s you…you…you.

You spend all your time doing auditing, using the e-meter to find past moments of pain and distress in your life. These are stored in your reactive (subconscious) mind as tiny recordings called engrams. You go back through your entire life, erasing these engrams, finding all the earlier, similar incidents in this life and your past lives.

Once you have erased them all, you’ve reach the exalted state of Clear. You are no longer being held back. You can move forward in life, making great gains.

That is, until you reach the upper levels of Scientology where you discover it stops being about you altogether. Then you find out that invisible clumps of dead space aliens have attached themselves to you, causing you even more problems than before. In fact, now that you know this, your very life is in peril. It is imperative that you continue to move up the bridge
to survive.

You are sold a bill of goods when you enter the group. They put you on the Bridge to Total Freedom, which is Hubbard’s name for the increasingly expensive courses. You are forbidden to know what lays ahead. You are just told that the next level will answer your questions and doubts. Then the next level. And the next.

Before you know it, you have been indoctrinated to believe whatever Hubbard says or you leave quietly and don’t make waves knowing how others have been treated before you.

Hubbard built a very brilliant mind-control factory. One little tactic is to force you to write a success story (or “win” in Hubbard-speak) after every course. You cant move on until you do so. It forces you to sit down and think, “Well, I guess I did learn how to do this” and then commit that win to paper.

If you can’t think of a win, you have to pay to take the course again. This helps you come up with an answer.

Should you decide to leave, management pulls out those wins and says, “Look at all you’ve gained so far. Don’t throw it all away.”

There are many such traps built into the organization.

Q: Do you think that, due to celebrities such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta being involved, the majority of every day people still see it as a harmless “Wacky Hollywood thing”, and don’t understand the dangerous cult
aspects of Scientology?

To most people, Scientology remains just that wacky Hollywood religion. The old “Hey, if John Travolta swears by it, it can’t be too bad” worked for years but with Tom Cruise’s meltdown the reverse has happened.

Thanks to Tom firing his publicist and putting his Scientology sister in her place, attacking Brooke Shields and adding the phrase “you’re glib” to our daily language, the focus is back on the nuttiness of the group.

South Park showed a timid media that you can take on Scientology and not get sued, opening the floodgate for new stories. Some reports are superficial and silly such as the practice of silent births. Some are more important, such as the death of Scientologist Elli Perkins. Elli refused to get her son psychiatric treatment because of Hubbard’s teachings and wound up being stabbed to death by the boy.

Still, Hubbard knew that celebrities were the key to bringing in vast numbers of new recruits. In the 50’s, Hubbard put out a hit-list of people he wanted recruited. It included Jack Benny, Ed Sullivan, Danny Kaye and Walt Disney. They had no success getting any of them but Hubbard kept trying and in the 70’s they finally hit paydirt with John Travolta.

Nowadays, they have a massive network inside showbiz. They hold workshops for newly arrived actors at the “Celebrity Center.” Every night of the week, fresh new faces in town can learn how to break into showbiz, get an agent, land that commercial, or work in soaps at a $20 seminar fronted by a name actor like Juliet Lewis or Giovanni Ribisi.

The networks are full of the next generation of Scientologists ready to strike it big. Jenna Elfman has faded? No problem. Jason Lee is coming on strong. He hasn’t been a spokesman for Scientology yet but may be called into action sometime down the road.

A few years back. Travolta was the voice of Scientology and Cruise was silent. Now the roles have reversed. Others will likely be called to “strike an effective blow” for Scientology down the line.

As long as these celebrities continue to pour big bucks into the organization and influence a young crew of energized, enthusiastic volunteers to staff the Orgs, the group will survive.

Q: Why, with all the evidence we have, and with countries all around the world actively banning Scientology, has the United States government not come down on the cult like a ton of bricks? Surely, with Bush being a fundamental Christian, he of all people would view Scientology as “against God”? I’m also interested as to why you think the British government has not done anything about Scientology either?

There was a great hue and cry about cults in the late 70’s. The brave congressman Leo J. Ryan lost his life in Guyana trying to help the people following Jim Jones. The horrors of the mass suicide/slaughter made people sit up and listen. For a little while.

Each Sunday, 60 Minutes presents three shocking stories that make you wonder, “How can this be allowed to happen in the US?” By Monday morning, people are back at work and life continues as normal.

Unfortunately, the problem is best summed up by retired police Lt. Ray Emmons who investigated Scientology for 20 years in Clearwater. They went to the state authorities, they went to federal authorities. Everywhere they went, they were asked, “Is Scientology going to come after me?”

No one is willing to take them on. There is no upside for politicians. They know they will see dirt dug up on them by Scientology’s PI’s and have their careers destroyed. This is after all, a group that brought the IRS to its knees with lawsuits in the 1990’s.

The British took them on in the 60’s and other countries such as Australia and Greece did as well but those days are over. Germany is the only country trying to protect its citizens from Scientology fraud and abuse.

It is much easier for people to look the other way.

Q: Could you tell us about the Lisa McPherson Trust? Why was it set up, why (and how) was it brought down and also, as we go into 2007, do you see any hope at all for the town of Clearwater, Florida?

Bob Minton started the LMT in 1999. He and Stacy asked me to be part of it and I leaped at the opportunity, moving to Clearwater at the end on 1999. We opened our doors the first week of January 2000 and were chased out of town before 2001 ended, hounded by lawsuits from Scientology on a regular basis.

We set out to reform Scientology and were foolhardy enough to think it was possible. We were tilting at windmills but, boy, am I glad I did it. It was a fascinating experience.

We set up office right next door to Scientology. We felt it was important to be in the belly of the beast. This is where people needed help the most. Members who wanted to leave could have access to us. The public could have questions answered.

Unfortunately, Scientology has over 100 cameras trained on the streets of Clearwater and they were making sure no one was dashing to us for help. And the locals were often too frightened to sneak into our back door.

An Italian restaurant was next door to us. The paper printed that the restaurant was nice enough to send us a complimentary bottle of wine and some brushetta on our opening day. That restaurant was banned by Scientology, it’s business dried up and it eventually folded.

We were constantly tied up with legal matters. Our phones were being flooded with calls. Some were from people seeking help. We’ve since found out from people who have left Scientology that many were calls placed by Scientologists under orders to tie up our phone lines.

Many thought we were just there to picket which was not the case at all. We did an occasional picket to let off steam and to let citizens know that someone was standing up to the group. We always got tons of supportive car-honks at each picket but most citizens were afraid to show their faces.

We kept the city government from caving entirely to Scientology. We drew uncomfortable attention to the cozy relationship that had developed between the organization and the newly elected city officials. We pointed out when Scientology went too far, committed fraud or abused its members.

The city government wasn’t especially happy about it. They had fought Scientology for 20 years and had given up. They wanted people to ignore the gorilla downtown. As soon as we shut our doors, all pretenses stopped and politicians openly started courting Scientology’s dollars, holding fundraisers in Scientology’s Fort Harrison Hotel. That never would have happened if we had been there.

In the end, Bob Minton spent close to $10 million of his own money to help people with Scientology, including $2 million for the LMT. We actually had to buy a building because Scientology would go to everyone we planned to lease from and scare them off. Another $2.5 million went to the Lisa McPherson civil case and $2.5 million was spent on a theatrical film which was doomed before a single frame was shot.

The Lisa case and the LMT became entwined. Scientology was hitting Bob with lawsuit after lawsuit. He decided to settle with them to get out of the mess. He and Stacy Brooks sat down with them to negotiate as they had successfully done while in charge of FACTnet a few years earlier.

This time, as they sat down to negotiate, Scientology, plopped another $10 million suit on Bob for “assisting” Gerry Armstrong break a gag order. They also outlined a RICO suit they were planning to file for another $30 million. Scientology may not have won these suits in court but they would surely cost Bob another fortune to defend.

In the end, Scientology did as Hubbard instructed, which is to use the courts to harass and destroy.

Being human, Bob made mistakes and the attorney he funded in the Lisa case made mistakes. Scientology exploits mistakes and uses them to destroy. The Lisa case wound up being settled for an undisclosed amount and the information about Lisa’s tragic end continues to be available on the net.

Bob and Stacy remain my friends and I’m better for having known them.

Q: Do you think we’re past the most “difficult” part when it comes to bringing down Scientology? If the figures are anything to go by (they say 8 million, it’s more like a few hundred thousand – and apparently only a couple of thousand in the UK) it really does seem to be on its way out already. is this really the case, and what needs to be done next to rid the world of this disease for good? Do you think it helps having people like L. Ron Hubbard’s great grandson speaking out against Scientology?

I don’t think there’s any chance of “bringing down” Scientology. While at the LMT, I was hoping we could at least get their tax exempt status revoked. It didn’t happen.

The good news is that Hubbard never foresaw the Internet. It will do what politicians and the traditional media haven’t been willing to do, informing millions about the fraud and abuse of Scientology with just a quick keystroke.

In the past Scientology had to scare one journalist into silence. They can’t do that anymore as people everywhere have access to the information Scientology once kept secret. Everywhere, that is, except in a Scientologist’s home where net-nanny software kicks Scientologists off their computers if they dare to type in a forbidden word such as Xenu. But the Scientologists can’t block their members from every computer connection.

In the 80’s, a former member recorded cassette tapes of his experiences which were secreted around to disgruntled Scientologists one by one.

Now people are sharing their stories on-line. Tory Christman can make contact with millions of people on the web. More and more people call her everyday to say they are leaving Scientology.

I get e-mails everyday from people thanking me for making my videos available, saying they left because of them or they helped convince a loved one to leave the group.

YouTube and other video-sharing services are spreading the news to even greater numbers of people. At this point, my 4th of July video, featuring three Scientologists surrounding me and calling me names, has been seen by 152,333 people since being uploaded last April 8th on GoogleVideo. That doesn’t include hits on my site, YouTube or any of the other many sites which have shared the video with their audiences.

That’s a huge win for XENU TV and for those who would like to see Scientology’s fraud and abuse brought to an end.

Scientology will survive. You can’t kill an ideology. I’m not making a direct comparison to these groups but there are still neo-Nazis, there are still KKK members. You can’t force people to stop believing what they want to believe.

There will be people who continue to believe Hubbard was a genius no matter how much documentation you present to them, showing he lied about every aspect of his life. If he lied about being blind and crippled and healing himself with Dianetics, why should you believe him when he says you are covered with BTs?

But you have that right. And I have no intention of stopping you from believing that. I’m only offering a warning to look before you leap.

Or if you’re in the group and feeling that things haven’t been adding up, there’s a place for you to turn and hear from others who have left and reconnected with the real world. Maybe a little dose of reality will break the Hubbard spell and bring them out of what Tory calls “the Truman Show.”

You have the right to believe in Hubbard. You have the right to believe in engrams. You have the right to believe in Xenu and the space aliens. That will never go away.

I have the right to giggle about it and warn people that Scientology is not telling you the full truth, that it will bleed you dry financially and it could break up your family.

28 Comments on “About XENU TV”

  1. Bonnie Woods Says:

    Hi Mark,
    Richard and I were very moved by your story. We have respected your work for many years. We are thankful for your website and often refer families and former members to it.
    I was particularly struck by the lucid ,and comprehensive style in which you have written. We will be sure to encourage any contacts we have to read it.
    We also heard you on the Vince Daniels show and were impressed with that as well. I guess you can certainly count this as a fan letter.
    We have recently moved to New England and would like very much to be in contact and to help in the valuable work which is being done by yourself and others.
    Please feel free to give our contact details to anyone you feel would find them of use.
    It would be great to speak with you at some time or to correspond.
    Kind regards,
    Richard and Bonnie Woods

  2. XENU TV Says:

    Thank you so much for that. I have been inspired by your strength as well. Thank you for standing up to Scientology and congratulations on your great victory.

  3. You’re doing a great and courageous job since more than one decade now, Mark.
    Thanks a lot.
    Roger gonnet

  4. XENU TV Says:

    Thanks, Roger. It’s been less than 10 years so I have a big anniversary still ahead.

  5. Johnny G. Says:

    Hey Mark,

    I wanted to thank you for all the work you put into exposing the fraud which is $cientology. I hope your videos reach a larger audience than the propaganda being disseminated by these liars and thieves. Though I have never been approached by these people, their ability to prey on people’s weaknesses and fears so effectively scares me. I did have a friend who was invited to attend a conference but luckily thought against it.

    It is unfortunate that most people turn a blind eye to this cult. Given the hundreds of lives that have been destroyed and their family members, I would like to see more public outcry. The BBC special was a good demonstration of their subversive and terroristic tactics, though Sweeney’s outburst was effective ammunition for their smear campaign. I do not blame him for losing it. It is funny that the leaders vehemently deny following or taping its detractors, yet their counter propaganda piece showed Sweeney’s every movement in the U.S.

    Your videos were strangely compelling. People like Buddy and Dan, who were probably nice enough guys in their previous lives, were reduced to robotic mind-controlled minions fulfilling the master’s wishes. You had the patience of Job dealing with the lot of them. Thanks again for hours of viewing pleasure.

    Best of Luck,

  6. lafina Says:

    Hi Mark.

    I’ve been a fan of xenutv for over a year now. I’d like to say I watch and re-watch the videos for educational purpose, but that’s akin to saying I just read playboy for the stories: the vids are damn entertaining.

    $cientology can’t halt the unbridled democracy of the Internet. I’ve turned friends onto Xenutv, and they’re big fans now, who spread the word to others. Dan Murnan is a household word around these parts. And besides being unable to control Internet information, they seem laughably inept at creating counter-sites, seeming (in true $cn fashion) about 40 years behind the technological times.

    I think it’s hard to remember that $cn is still on the lunatic fringe, a sad wasteland of hungry suckers. Their “tech” is so blatantly ridiculous that most people laugh them right out of society, and I hope sites like these will continue to flourish.

    And BTw Mark, if there is ever any chance of getting that unseen footage of pickets and such online…I’d eat it all up unedited. I’ve been hankerin for new material on xenu for awhile now, and I’m not sure how to feel about my ability to recite all 3 July 4th pickets verbatim, on cue.

    Thanks for Xenutv Mark and please don’t quit.

  7. XENU TV Says:

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate your support. I’ll get more material out there. I just wish I had more time to devote to it.

  8. Operating Enthetan Says:

    Excellent site and videos Mark.

    I also saw the BBC Panorama prog which surely must count as a ‘Big Lose’ for Scientology. Like thousands of others in the UK I was motivated to find out more and soon discovered your site.

    I wonder how Dan feels to have spent $thousands to reach OT8 yet is unable to ‘Postulate’ your disappearance!

  9. Paul Says:

    Xenu TV is sweet, I was seriously considering joining scientology before I hit this site.

  10. Lars (from Germany) Says:

    Is there any possibility in supporting you?

  11. XENU TV Says:

    Lars, there’s a good page on Andreas’ site with suggestions for support:


    Just keep spreading the information and you’ll be doing a lot to help.

    All my best,


  12. Sven (Ger) Says:

    Since the cult is getting more in focus here in germany, I found your 4th of July event videos on youtube, I could scream with laughter, especially about Dan and his friends, if this wouldn’t be such a serious issue.

    I will spread your websites wherever I can, please keep up your work, they are as frightening as Ahmadinedschad !

    You’re doing a great job, take care man!

  13. Colin Says:

    One has to be very gullible to swallow the garbage that these people are pedling. I can only say that it is an insidious cult, and it should be prevented from infecting the minds of vulnerable people.

    Its sole function is to bleed people dry of their financial resources, and in this sense it has parity with a 419 scam.

    To have conned celebreties just shows their level of ignorance through not having the prior knowledge to see through it.

    Hopefully, given time, the public will wise up and Scientology will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

  14. hjeremy2222 Says:

    Very wise…very bearded.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    A very great story Wise Beard Man! To Bob Minton and Stacy Brooks and others! You are all heroes in our eyes 🙂

  16. thegreatbigmouth Says:

    mark, what exactly happened with bob? i know you say he is still your friend, but a lot of people have said he is working for scientology now. are they referring to the “settled” mcpherson case or do they mean he’s been absorbed into the cult?

  17. arrystoffyknees Says:

    Here in England we often hear about Scientology but sane folk dismiss them like the rest of these dangerous lunatics in every other fringe religious group.
    Religion has much to answer for in this world….thank God I’m an atheist !

  18. Pinky Says:

    All hail, Wise Beard Man!

  19. Intelegencya Says:

    I started off on YouTube watching these little Scientology freaks, and there weird questosn that go no where. You ever need a strong arm to come down with you Mark let me know.

    A suggestion though, when they walk infront of your camera and all that since hes got limited vision tell him to step on the back of there heels. And for that hispanic looking guy (Clear Water) who was walking backwards blocking the camera; well if your camera man happeneds to take an extra little longer step forward and catches his toe he will tumble back and fall on his behind.

    Those are all little examples of non agressive looking tactics that will slip them up. AND THERE FUN!

    FOR the freedom of information, lets slip the dogs of war and get these little cowards.

  20. Intelegencya Says:

    OR! When they stand infront of the camera to far away but close enough, well alot of us have allergies to calone so “sneeze” at them.

    SO many good non agressive tactics HAHAH ^_^

  21. Anonomomily Says:

    Way back when, in Jr High School, I did a report on cults. This was my first introduction to Co$, and even at 15 I knew enough to be very afraid. Watching them, the Moonies, The Krishna’s, and even the Mormons was probably why I am an Atheist today. To see what Man will believe and what they will do makes me very skeptical. I also am a student of Science Fiction, and know the difference between good and bad SF. Guess what? LRon isn’t even GOOD Sf. If I were going to follow a Church based on SF, I’d go for Heinleins model. At least the Fosterites had some fun while they devoted their lives and money to a fraud. (Try Stranger In A Strange Land). Meanwhile, I followed the Co$ through the news, Bob Mintons Fight, watching John Travolta try and step back and be pulled back into line with a gay lover scandal. The Tom Cruise video brought it back to my awareness and made me realize just how close I live to these people based in Clearwater, and also made me angry that they were trying to use backdoors to get into MY school systems and indoctrinate MY children. NO. Thanks to you, Mark, and Anonymous who I proudly claim membership in, they will not survive much longer. I found another blog site that was outstanding. Perhaps you should add it to your list. http://askthescientologist.blogspot.com/
    Thanks to everyone!

  22. Bryan Bailey Lawrence Says:

    This topic interests me very much. As a fiction writer myself, I envy L. Ron Hubbard. Creating marketable fiction is one thing. But to create a fictional religion for use as a profital tax shelter is another. Freedom of religion used to the ultimate degree. Most major religions based in the U.S. do this, (it’s our constitutional right, By God!) but if you claim Rastafarianism and burn a doobie, they throw your ass in prison.

  23. […] terrific. It’s been fun. If there are other questions, I laid out everything in an exhaustive interview on my blog. Feel free to link to it as […]

  24. Travis L. Mathews Says:

    Mark first off I want to I’m very proud of you. Second I want thank you for helping me see more than my own anger at Tom Cruise over the bullshit remarks he made to Matt Laur. I had gone through depression in late 2000 & contemplated suicide but thought better of it & got help & started takeing anti-depressants wich helped & thankfuly I no longer need them. I also take anti-siezure medication & have concrete evidence that if I quit taking it I have siesures & while I’ve been taking it I haven’t had siesure in years. I also wanted to tell I suddenly can’t log on to xenutv.com anymore. I keep getting redirected to a default site that says somethings not configured right. I think it the ISP. Should worry?

  25. Xchidna Says:

    Ten years ago, Mark Bunker adopted the screenname of Ben Wog.

    Little did he know that soon he’d be seen almost as Ben Kenobi.

    Your story’s awesome, Bearded One. Can’t wait for 3/14.

  26. Cyan Says:

    I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and endurance in your endeavor.

    A girl who I’ve been seeing for awhile now and have really been close to recently opened up with the info that she is a Scientologist. Ironically for me I have been a supporter of Anonymous since their inception. I haven’t told her this yet for obvious reasons because I want to know she’ll listen to me and be willing to see what I’ve seen. I have nothing against her or her beliefs, but the CoS is not something I can trust nor am I comfortable knowing she is mixed into.

    Her mother works in Clearwater, FL for them and her father is a casual supporter. I know because of this it won’t be easy for her to listen but I want her to know that there are sides to the CoS she isn’t aware of.

    Seeing the harassment and petty lies spread about you and the many people who have left the “church” (who I have thankfully seen because of your site) has given me plenty to think about as I approach my gf with this.

    I can only pray I have the same courage and fortitude as people like you and Tory have shown in your fight. Keep up the fight, keep spreading the word. You really are making a difference.

  27. Marie Says:

    Hi there, I just bought a house I love in a smallish town of San Jacinto as I was driving down a short cut into Riverside I noticed a HUGE resort ( or so I thought) as I googled golden era productions WOW is all I have to say I mean I knew about it sorta kinda but man google and the internet is awesome and the information is all there! I am so glad that you do what you do ! you put it in laymens terms so to speak I read some of the ex scientologist writings on some web sites and it’s all initials of things I don’t get…. I just wanted to find out if I’m living with another Waco in my back yard!!! Keep putting out the information it’s eye opening to say the least and I hope more and more leave the cult because of it 🙂

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