Support for Graham Berry


As many of you know, Scientology is extremely litigious and finding an attorney who understands Scientology and is willing to take them on is difficult.  Attorney Graham Berry has been on the frontlines since the 1990’s and is currently representing several individuals, myself included, in cases involving Scientology.   There is a terrific article from the New Times about how Scientology set out to destroy Graham. I shot a video surrounding some of the events in that article back in 1999.

If you would like to help Graham cover expenses, here’s what you should know.

Originally Posted by Graham Berry on Why We Protest:

I just received a telephone call from an Anon (an OT VIII!) requesting me to provide information as to how people may assist me in doing what I do against the cult. As some of you know, Moxon and co have some fraudulently obtained sanctions against me which one day, when I have time/money/representation, will be reversed. In the meantime, I work around them. Anyway, PayPal proceeds can be seized by Moxon & Co. Donations do not have to be for any particular purpose.

What seems to work best is either postal orders mailed directly to me or Western Union transfers (which you then need to PM or Email me to collect).

Here is the information:

Graham E. Berry
3384 McLaughlin Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Telephone: (310) 745-3771
Cell: (310) 902-6381
PM at WWP= graham berry

P.S. We have the cult on the run and on the ropes. This seems to be the year for the breakthroughs to begin. Let’s bring scientology’s war against the SPs, and its “Targets Defense,” to their conclusion.

P.P.S. COSTCO, Ralphs, Vons, Albertosons, Staples and Office Depot work just fine. I use a Costco card.

Update from the Anons at Why We Protest:

Naturally, for the reasons Graham states, all $$ sent is NOT a donation but for Graham’s EXPENSES of taking action and legal representation of Anons. I’m sure we’re all clear about that.

If Paypal or credit card is your preferred source to help cover his legal expenses, you can send money to the fund listed for Graham on the front page of WWP. We will be sending out regular US postal money orders to him when it hits $200. One will be sent off tomorrow since it is at $220. This money is of course meant to help cover the costs and expenses that he racks up doing all of the legal work he does.


48 Comments on “Support for Graham Berry”

  1. Tom Newton Says:

    “As some of you know, Moxon and co have some fraudulently obtained sanctions against me which one day, when I have time/money/representation, will be reversed. In the meantime, I work around them. Anyway, PayPal proceeds can be seized by Moxon & Co. Donations do not have to be for any particular purpose.”

    Just how and why do they seize his proceeds?


  2. XENU TV Says:

    Don’t you think it’s a hoax, Tom?

  3. Tom Newton Says:

    What are they taking money from him for?

    As a potential donor, I’d like to know.

    Thank you.


  4. Bill W Says:

    So here is the wonderful Mr Newton and his counter arguements which are just like many other trolls and spammers on ARS. Keep up the amazing and razor-sharp witty exchanges, Tom. It keeps me laughing.

  5. Another Anon Says:

    Hey Tom,

    Talk of $$$ and you get a little frisky hey?

  6. Benjamin Cisco Says:

    Thank you for posting this Mark. I’m off right now to get some money to Graham for this important cause. Freedom of speech will prevail and folks like you and Graham are some of the champions that help achieve it. You are truly helping this world become a little better and I’m pleased that now I can do my part as well.

  7. 3rdman Says:

    I’m a little bit mystified as to how Moxon and Co’ managed to lay down sanctions against GB. As I recall, he was also representing AGP and is currently representing AO. I would hope they would compensate him for his work and effort.

  8. Forseti Says:

    Graham Berry is a very good man. He has suffered a lot fighting the cult. He was fair gamed by CoS and Kendrick Moxon. Graham is a talented attorney who is passionate and driven about defending victims of Scientology’s fair game policies.

    He works for virtually nothing and expenses add up very quickly. He needs to pay for things like paper, pens, penciles, legal pads, printing services, court costs and fees, gasoline to get to and from court, etc etc. It adds up very fast.

    Although AO and AGP give what they can, it is not enough to cover Graham’s legal expenses for fighting the cult. In my eyes, this isn’t necessarily about helping AO or AGP. This about helping Graham to expose the cult. Every legal win for Graham is another win against the cult. Every win brings the criminal cult closer to being put out of business.

  9. XENU TV Says:

    Really, Tom. You have no potential at all.

  10. Xchidna Says:

    I’m also quite curious as to how Toxin was able to screw up PayPal to him, but I assume that, as a complete asshole working for the Co$, he was able to find something in PayPal’s terms of service that could be somehow used as a loophole to screw over anyone he (or Miscavige) chooses. And when Scientology barks, most businesses don’t have the balls to fight even if they’d win.

    I’ll see what I can do about sending something to him, though. We need the guy.

  11. XENU TV Says:

    Ever notice how much lying you do, Tom?

  12. XENU TV Says:

    I am loathe to ban anyone. But I think it appropriate to at least cut Tom’s spam to a minumum.

    Tom, once again, you are welcome to post. Just don’t leep posting the same idiocy over and over.

    Come up with new idiocy, just to keep it fresh.

  13. Cyan Says:

    Ignore Tom’s hate spreading. He’s just getting caught up in the excitement of his own lies.

    Glad to see GB is keeping up with his fight and not backing down. Personally happy to see so many people are already showing their support. As soon as I can I plan to too.

  14. Graham Berry Says:


    Are you attempting to discredit me based on my claim that the Church of Scientology is in the practice of seizing my money?

    It won’t work. Mark will block you from ever getting that question out there.


  15. XENU TV Says:

    See, Tom. You thought a little harder and lied about your identity. It was easy for you, wasn’t it?



    “As some of you know, Moxon and co have some fraudulently obtained sanctions against me which one day, when I have time/money/representation, will be reversed. In the meantime, I work around them. Anyway, PayPal proceeds can be seized by Moxon & Co.”

  17. XENU TV Says:

    Tom, you might try google.

    It’s useless explaining anything to you because you purposely pretend to believe the unbelievable. You say you believe Xenu is a hoax when it is well documented that OT3 is indeed all about Xenu and the BT’s.

    You are a fool on a fool’s errand.

  18. Mark,

    You are dancing like a cat on a hot tin roof. Stop avoiding my question, please:


    “As some of you know, Moxon and co have some fraudulently obtained sanctions against me which one day, when I have time/money/representation, will be reversed. In the meantime, I work around them. Anyway, PayPal proceeds can be seized by Moxon & Co.”


  19. 3rdman Says:

    Suggestion: Do your research. Your lurk the internet the rest of us. Find out for yourself.

  20. ^^

    I cannot find ANYTHING to substantiate his claim.

  21. Graham,

    Could you please explain why the Church of Scientology or in this case specifically Moxon & Co. would be able to seize any funds from your accounts. Please you should be able to provide a small statement or provide a link were the answer could be found. To keep it with the Anonymous motto: dox^pix or it did not happen!

  22. Anonymous Says:

    If paypal is challenged legally their standard response is to freeze the account. In other words, Paypal seize the funds on behalf of Moxon and co.

  23. Naknei Says:

    Tom you never worked with paypal have you.

  24. I have and still used PayPal and the story is BS. They have to follow the law and can not freeze funds without cause and especially indefinite. Berry and Mark are avoiding valid question and there should be no reason not to answer.

  25. Naknei Says:

    You never had to deal with problems with PayPal. The customer service is messed up it took me 3 months to get my $200 back. Anyway I think that Graham is claiming that Moxon is just spamming his account with disputes to make using it a pain in the ass.

  26. Diamond Says:

    Firstly hello to you WBM and GB,

    I lurk on WWP reading all the Goldbase updates and other threads etc. One thread worrys me, and that is the GB funding thread in think tank. It worrys me that the Admins and Mods, seem to just toss about “Oh this much has been forwarded to GB” “Other blah much has been forwarded”. I feel the amounts should be left OFF the thread, or is GB ok with the amounts he is being forwarded getting posted on the WWP forum?

  27. Anonymous Says:

    Curious George. I’m sure are more than enough evidence to show that paypal indeed freezes accounts without a legal basis and in some cases this is done indefinitely.

  28. CrazyDelaney Says:

    Tom knows exactly why they can seize money from Graham Berry. Why don’t you call Graham Berry and ask him? I’m sure you have his phone number.. just like you have my phone number Tom. You also have my address… which you posted on one of your websites.

  29. ^Paul,

    I know the answer. I’m just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

    About your address and phone number: you are the one that asked to be “fed to the chans”. Are you afraid of Anonymous?

    And what of the 1000’s of Scientologists who have had their personal information placed online for Anonymous cyber-cullies? Are you better than them?


  30. CrazyDelaney Says:

    Hey Tom “I’m not a Scientologist” Newton…

    Why do you always repeat Scientology’s party line? Why such venom for anyone who doesn’t have the right opinion about Scientology? Uh.. I know the answer. You’re a Scientologist!

    As for my docs… I don’t know of any site that has the home addresses of Scientologists up. I’m not afraid of anyone, Tom. Not you either. I’ve never condoned harassment of any kind, Tom yet you.. Mr. Holier than thou have my docs on one of your blogs and I know its your blog, Tom.

  31. CrazyDelaney Says:


    If the blog in question really isn’t your blog.. I’d appreciate you getting in contact with the owner of that blog and telling them to delete my information. I’ve complained to blogger and they haven’t done a damn thing.

  32. Graham,

    Could you please explain why the Church of Scientology or in this case specifically Moxon & Co. would be able to seize any funds from your accounts. Please you should be able to provide a small statement or provide a link were the answer could be found. To keep it with the Anonymous motto: dox^pix or it did not happen!

  33. CrazyDelaney Says:

    Tom has been reading Religious Freedom Watch again….

  34. Diamond Says:

    To any Scientologists posting here (Tom Newton)

    A few words for you Mark Bunker and Graham Berry are NYPA

  35. JaneDoe Says:

    I know I’m a couple days late on this, but I didn’t see this answered. I am anonymous, and I work for a bank. Paypal, while saying they’re not at all a bank, has the same mechanics as one. And just like a bank, if there is a judgment against you (Back taxes, child support, or a lawsuit where you owe another party money), the lawyers involved can file an order with the courts to seize ones assets to collect on money owed. I see it all the time on bank accounts. Paypal is not immune to the same type of judgments. They receive a court order to seize all money currently contained in the account any any money coming in to it, and all Paypal can do is comply until the person (Mr. Barry in this case) fights the order and either has it reversed or makes another arrangement to pay the debt and have the seize lifted.

  36. justme Says:

    Tom, you are such an idiot.

    > I know the answer. I’m just waiting
    > for the rest of you to catch up.


    > EXPLAIN HOW [blah blah blah]

    Why do you think anybody should go to any length to explain things for an idiot like you – especially when you claim to know already (and everything better in the first place anyway)?

    No concious beeing has lifetime to waste for your dumbness!

    And by the way: Stop shouting in the internets. It’s extremle impolite. (But what else to expect from you.)

    Anyone who has been around in the internet for some years has heard about the questionable practices of paypal.

    So don’t expect that you can impress others with your stupidity and illiteratness – other than for your own disservice. But that you actually achieve brilliantly!

    So, for conclusion, let me summarize with a short internet research:

    airhead, ament, baboon, blockhead, bonehead, booby, bozo, buffoon, chucklehead, chump, cretin, dingbat, dimwit, doofus, dope, dork, drongo, dullard, dumb-ass, dumb-bell, dumb cluck, dumbhead, dunce, dunderhead, dunderpate, dweep, fathead, fool, galoot, gawk, git, gobshite, gomeral, halfwit, hardhead, idiot, ignoramus, imbecile, jerk, klutz, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, lummox, lunkhead, moron, mug, muggins, mutt, nimrod, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, noodle, numscull, nutbar, oaf, pillock, pinhead, ploncker, prat, prick, retard, rube, saddo, sap, saphead, schmoe, schmuck, schnook, simpleton, stupe, sucker, thickhead, thickie, twat, twit, wally, ninny-hammer, thick-scull!

    Did I forget to mention anything? hope not. Tom, it can actually be very educative to start thinking about your personality traits – at least in a vocabulary context.

    And WBM, please excuse me for spamming this comment with reduntant repetative descriptions when being confronted with Tom – it’s a kind of tit for tat thing I guess 😉

  37. L.Fraud Hubbard Says:

    Expect Us

  38. Tara Says:


    Just a suggestion from a “newbie.” Don’t ban Tom Newton. Every post of his that I’ve come across on this site makes him look more and more idiotic. I recall Tory making an excellent point. She said in a number of her videos that “scientology is creating its own enemies.” No truer words were ever spoken. Let him keep babbling. People who visit this site and are not yet 100% convinced about the lunacy of scientology have only to read a few of his posts to realise that the guy “isn’t all there.” He is doing himself and scientology way more harm than good by posting his drivel. Let him bury himself.

  39. XENU TV Says:

    I gave him a time out for spamming but as you can see, he is back with his charm intact.

  40. robot Says:

    I’m new to all of this and wanted to find out more info on graham. This page was the second listed on google for gb.

    I don’t have a history with any of you or tom but ….

    Play into his stupidity and answer his questions politly with links. Especially with links and more links.

    Think about the random person who stumbles on the thread. My first reaction was why won’t they answer the question. My second thought was tom is a troll. And rightly so.

    Don’t react to trolls……. use them


  41. robot Says:


    Nothing here leads me to more info on graham berry

  42. XENU TV Says:

    I’ve added a link to the New Times cover story and a video about Graham. Thanks for the suggestion.

  43. Jim Says:

    Tom, google “operation freakout” or “Robert Cipriano” and then you will know.

  44. zhiges Says:


    It is OBVIOUSLY as most of you have imagined a propaganda website for Scientology to make people who question them look bad. How IRONIC that it is called that considering if religious freedom exists then so does freedom of human thoughts and beliefs.

    But do not be mislead, this is not really an irony in play here, it is pure HYPOCRISY on which grounds many a cults are established upon, of course hand in hand with scare tactics.

  45. Paul Barresi Says:

    After I outed John Travolta, my life was turned upside down. I take full responsibility, however, The Church of Scientology “the Cult” had a hand in making my life a living hell. Members of the cult, of course, no named cowards, telephoned me with threats on my life and terrorized friends close to me as well as members of my family. After a bullet was fired into the window of my girlfriend’s place of business and subsequent threatening call to me, the gloves came off. I got word to Travolta’s representatives demanding that he do whatever in his power to stop the threats and harassment or I will personally unleash hell. To Travolta’s credit, there are some things he shared with me about the Cult’s doctrine that he did not approve of– one of which was exacting revenge to the level of hurting someone physically. I predicted he would marry after I outed him and a year almost to the day later, he did just that. I predict today that he will eventually come to his senses and leave the cult and all of its idiotic teachings. –Paul Barresi

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