New Home at Vimeo

The Register did a really nice article about my YouTube situation.

YouTube has vaporized a popular user account dedicated to criticizing The Church of Scientology.

Last Thursday, the world’s most popular video sharer removed the 10,000-subscriber-strong “Xenutv1” channel run by Mark Bunker, a television journalist/well-known Scientology naysayer. Earlier in the week, Bunker posted a teaser for his three-hour interview with Jason Beghe – a film and television actor who recently defected from the world of Scientology – and the account was yanked just before Bunker was due to broadcast the interview in full.

“I was planning to post the entire thing on Thursday,” Bunker told us. “But before I could do that – boom – the channel was gone.”

One nice thing coming from the YouTube story is that it made me take a good look around at some of the other services. Vimeo has impressed me the most. They have a damned foolish upload limit of 500 megs a week so it will take me some time to upload everything there but I couldn’t be happier about the quality and their ability to handle tons of traffic.

Thanks go out to Anonymous for making the HD ANONYcam a reality. This video was not shot in HD. I won’t waste the bandwith for a simple blog. But for pickets and interviews, it will make a big difference. It is clear I need to attach a better mic to the camera but visually it does a good job.

Subscribe to my Vimeo channel and feel free to download the videos and put them on YouTube — just like in the good old days.

Explore posts in the same categories: Anonymous, Vlog

66 Comments on “New Home at Vimeo”

  1. Zatoichi Says:


  2. Thanks El Reg Says:

    Was very happy to see the article there this morning. That should get more visibility 🙂

  3. anon101 Says:

    congrats at least the truth will be told somewhere!!!!

  4. Requiem Says:

    For some reason some of the videos wont load on the blog and just say its a private video while other vimeo videos from Mark show just fine. Though usually at some point the videos become accessible. Wonder if you need to be logged on with a Vimeo account before you can see the video or whats causing the video to first view thats its private (cant watch) and then work like normal.

  5. […] ID-JAUHARI | Saya, Kamu, Kita dan Mereka wrote an interesting post today on New Home at VimeoHere’s a quick excerpt The Register did a really nice article about my YouTube situation. YouTube has vaporized a popular user account dedicated to criticizing The Church of Scientology. Last Thursday, the world’s most popular video sharer removed the 10,000-subscriber-strong “Xenutv1″ channel run by Mark Bunker, a television journalist/well-known Scientology naysayer. Earlier in the week, Bunker posted a teaser for his three-hour interview with Jason Beghe – a film and television actor who recently defected fr […]

  6. ross Says:

    yea i live in scotland and you have inspired me to think of y this religon shoud be aboished can u pleas reply to me via email and if u want me to i coud go and fild some o the scientology academys in scotland i recently cales the valuntere minister helpline asking them to explayn to me what the religon was about and who xenu was but lord behold they beat aroud the bush i do have 1 main consern do u think that scientology will get in to polotics and what happens if it dose pleas reply to me via the email i pute in thanks for your time and keep the work up

  7. salvo Says:

    Wise bearded man,

    We are with you. Do not worry. YouTube is shooting itself in its foot, truth will triumph. The truth cannot be suppressed. Scientology… no comment. So what if you don’t have a proper account on YouTube.. we will put them up for you. Long live the ‘revolution’.

  8. Englishman Says:

    Q- 10,000 you tube subscribers leaving on mass and joining Vimeo. Wow this could be such a coup for them.

  9. cloak616 Says:

    Requiem: Yup, you need to start an account (it takes about 4 seconds to join) and then you can login. Super easy.

  10. ANON>co$ Says:

    wise beard man……your back we have……inspriration you give

  11. Anonomoose Says:

    Sad to see you having to leave Noobtoob but glad you found a new home!

    Damn the man!

  12. anonymous Says:

    U need a post-processing flow that also does deinterlacing. Maybe the camera will let you shoot in progressive instead.

  13. gradyman Says:

    Love the video quality Mark, congratulations!

  14. Locate Says: (which is basically the biggest news source in germany with regard to everything IT related) covered the youtube story, too:–/meldung/106880

  15. Anonymouth Says:

    I love this. Mark gets kicked off of JewTube, and now he’s on Vimeo, PLUS his videos will be all over JewTube anyway via other people’s accounts. Each time they try to shave the wise beard, it only comes back fuller and thicker.

  16. phasis Says:

    That video is soooooo kind to the eyes!

    And congrats to you and Jason for the success of the interview. In a weird way, whether or not your get your youtube channel back, I think this has ended up being a huge win for you no matter what. What with all the xenutv affiliates springing up on youtube, there is going to be moar Mark Bunker there than before.

    And hopefully, there will be more good stuff on Vimeo from other anons. I am going over there right now to subscribe to the new xenutv!

  17. AnotherAnonymous1 Says:

    WBM + HD + broadband + INTERNETS = WIN.

    Scifags = FAIL.

    Start packing for trip to London mister! Bring megaphone. Write speech. Eat caek.

  18. anonsoldier Says:

    Yay to you WBM! I’ve joined vimeo just to get you more subscribers here! Between the “affiliates” reposting your videos on Youtube, and the people here, we should reach an even wider audience now.

    For every one of us who falls, ten more shall take their place. So true…so true…

  19. TI Says:

    Good luck to you on your new project!

    NOTE! Your Vimeo account “Jason Beghe Interview” has three videos marked as private. See:

  20. Jack Says:

    Glad you found a new place to reside. Now if I can just figure out how to navigate the Vimeo page I should be OK. The vid wars on YT are depressing and juvinile and I want no part of them.

  21. ThetanMonger Says:

    Hey mark, not calling for a campaign here like we did with youtube or viacom obviously BUT maybe 1 soft spoken courteous email from yourself, about our situation maybe you could get vimeo to sway a little on your bandwidth for a short time? As you will be bringing them a great addition to the site and much traffic/revenue =). Who knows maybe they got a staffer who is fond of freedom of speech ;).

    Couldn’t hurt to ask? just let them know this is more then about scientology its about free speech and human rights and that you have been censored on youtube as well as other critics (such as tory magoo, and others). That or call them up and give them the heads up that scientology maybe on the way to false flag everything.

    May be better to befriend them before anything happens as oppose to starting uprises everytime OSA does something stupid.


  22. Anonomoose Says:

    Checked out the new channel and honestly…..its better. This may be a blessing in dusguise WBM.

  23. XENU TV Says:

    Thetan, I tried to get a little leeway to put the whole interview up there and sent them all the press coverage but they didn’t care. I’m tiured of knocking my head over these things.

  24. ThetanMonger Says:

    oh well welcome to vimeo =) so a hell of alot better than youtube im considering using it for my main venue now but i’ll keep youtube on the side for spreading information.

    We have set a goal and we will achieve it no matter what speed bumps we hit =)
    Press on Mark, don’t get discouraged. we’ll help anyway we can just say the word ^_^

    P.S. ABC Nightline coverage was really in-depth … considering any previous coverage i have seen for a long while, hopefully this is the start of something bigger once again.

    ❤ Anon

  25. 3rdMan Says:

    YAY! Welcome back WBM!
    Glad to see you came back even better than before. Come to think of it, now anons may have to get new monitors to enjoy your wisdom in HD, LOL

  26. HappyWulf Says:

    Consider my account created, and subscribed. Jolly Good!
    Consider YouTube out millions of dollars in revenue.

  27. L. Ron Brown Says:

    Worth putting on Vimeo:

    This is a video of Toronto’s biggest SP, Gregg Hagglund getting picketed at his home outside of Toronto by Toronto Org Scientologists in retaliation for his pickets of the Toronto Org and for his role in thwarting their attempt to get charity (tax-exempt) status in Canada. While his pickets were based on truth, theirs involved nothing but lies – and he completely busted them on all of them. He really just owned them – showing them to be ignorant of his true story (they cannot have seen his work themselves because he speaks of Xenu constantly) and just mindlessly parroting what they were told by higher-ups. They claimed he was a hate-monger and he asked them several times to give him one instance of a time when he said or did something that was hateful. He even offered them $1000 to get a cop from the hate crimes division to say that what he was doing was hateful. They produced nothing.

  28. anonymous Says:

    glad to have your channel back 🙂

  29. Anonydude Says:

    Hey, Mark, I couldn’t here any of the audio on your “welcome to my new home” video.

  30. XENU TV Says:

    I don’t know why. It should be working.

  31. Anon Y. Mouse Says:

    I hope you will be able to make it to London this summer. It would bring lots of good vibes to Eurofags. Am I from the UK? Hell no..I’m in your neigboring state of AZ…in Tucson.

  32. […] was about to post these interviews with a defector from the church of Scientology named Jason Beghe. As you can see he’s now posting his stuff on Vimeo – a great site that hosts your high definition video for […]

  33. Anonangl Says:

    I’m glad to see you “settling into your new home”, I was one of the first to subscribe and love the quality of Vimeo too. I also signed up for a multi-uploader site so I will be putting any videos you put up on several sites with a link back to your site. I’m looking forward to seeing all your videos back online again.
    Talk to you later,

  34. Jay Says:

    Thank you for your hard work Mark!

  35. pina Says:

    ot8 boat freewinds has been sealed and shut down due to a huge exposure to abestos which is a cancerigenous mineral.
    PLEASE PLEASE check enturbulation for more info and pass the word around.
    THIS might be THE worst day in the history of scientology. imagine all the lawsuits!!

  36. Tsuu Says:

    lol freewinds is down? really?


  37. Antique Says:

    There’s an easy way around the YouTube problem. Someone else that hasn’t had an account blocked creates an account (XenuTV2?) and uploads your vids and content. It’d be all your stuff but someone else uploading it.

  38. Mirc Says:

    was about to post these interviews with a defector from the church of Scientology named Jason Beghe. As you can see he’s now posting his stuff on Vimeo – a great site that hosts your high definition video for

  39. Mirc Says:

    was about to post these interviews with a defector from the church of Scientology named Jason Beghe. As you can see he’s now posting his stuff on Vimeo – a great site that hosts your high definition video for

  40. Jacktj Says:

    Scientology knowingly expose its members to blue asbestos.

    big news needs to cover this now!!

  41. What happened to the Lawrence Woodcraft interview regarding Freewinds?

  42. XENU TV Says:

    I am uploading a version without the lip synch problems…I hope.

  43. […] and feel free to download the videos and put them on youtube ?? just like in the good old days. Download &amp Convert YouTube Videos With Just …Download videos off YouTube. […]

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  57. each , it only comes back fuller and thicker.

  58. That or call them up and give them the heads up that scientology maybe on the way to false flag everything.

  59. mirc Says:

    Glad you found a new place to reside. Now if I can just figure out how to navigate the Vimeo page I should be OK. The vid wars on YT are depressing and juvinile and I want no part of them.

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