Altering the Tech

Altering the Tech is a high crime in Scientology, punishable by expulsion (or as it’s known in Scientology, being declared a Suppressive Person.)  So why are current members of Scientology allowing David Miscavige to make huge alterations to Hubbard’s writings once again? They should stand up and demand his removal.

Of course, people in the past who pointed out these alterations were themselves declared SP for daring to speak out. Here’s Greg and Debra Barnes to talk about what they went through in the 90’s.

People in the Freezone have documented many of the changes made by DM over the years since Hubbard died. This series of videos shows some of those changes.

The current alterations are enormous. 18 different Hubbard books have been rewritten. All Scientologists have been ordered to not only make new purchases of the altered books but also turn in their old copies so that they may be pulped. Miscavige plans to destroy all the evidence of his alterations.

Here is an internet post about the big event in Los Angeles where Miscavige made the announcement:

Greetings to all – this is my first post on this board, so in addition to everything else, hello.

I see there is quite a bit of interest on this thread on the new books that have been released, the repercussions thereof, and the various other factors around this “recovery or lost tech”.

I attended the first two MV events at Flag, and below is some data you may find interesting:

The second was the “recovery of lost tech event” with the new release.

All the basic books have been re-re-released, this time with a few previously unreleased congresses (to go along with the new versions of AP&A, DN55 and History of Man for example.) The event goes though showing how MANY alterations exist in nearly every book. The only books that were nearly exempt were EOS, DMSMH (was missing a synopsis, otherwise left as is textually.) and TWTH. Otherwise EVERY other book had major, basic, and significant alteration. You will see at the event – pretty staggering. Entire sections written by others, whole chapters missing, chapters mixed together, different versions of the text mashed together in the same paragraph, non LRH footnotes becoming text, etc.

Blame is laid on the transcriptionists. Oh – by the way many of the basic books were NOT actually written by Ron, they were dictated. Hmmm . . . wonder how that datum was never broadly known.

Now, at this point it is interesting to ask:

If the books were not written by LRH directly, why have we been blatantly misled for 50 years?

EVERY ONE, I do really do mean that, “KNEW” they were written by Ron. Except management knew they were not. Interesting.

Rather than label them as TRANSCRIPTS, they were sold as canonical, verified, fully checked, LRH penned, words from Ron himself, in his own blood.

Well, up until yesterday the basics books were 100% standard tech.

Like everything else in Scn, that has changed. Now they are littered with alterations too numerous to describe, though at least reviewed in a 3+ hour straight briefing, book by book.

Okay – now here is the next obvious point:

Where the hell have RTRC and AVC been?

Possessed of the responsibility to ensure the standardness of Scn, they seemed to have, shall we say, fucked up a bit. ALL the blame is laid on the transcriptionists, proofreaders and typesetters of the 1950s. None accepted by the church since then. Interesting. Even though WE HAD THE MATERIALS THE ENTIRE TIME ! ! ! ! No box of hidden manuscripts was discovered. Nope, it was all there already with the exception of two lectures – even then the Church had them, and just never really verified the materials against them as they pretended to.

As some of you may remember, in the late 1980s and early 1990s ALL the basic books, every one, were republished as being fully on source, VERIFIED AGAINST THE LRH ORIGINALS. I bought them as they were republished during that time. Then in 1991 the new tech vols came out in and 1992(?) the new SHSBC came out. At that Auditors Day event COB said that the tens of thousands of hours had been spent fully verifying the basic books against source originals so that the BC could be re-released. He said that for the first time in history, all of Scn from The Original Thesis to the BC was 100% standard. He was VERY clear on this point.

The 1989 version of the introduction for Dynamic of Life says:

“Recently the original manuscript for this work was located. The text has been meticulously compared to the manuscript to ensure that this edition is a complete rendition of what the author intended for publication.”

Since then RTC has preached again and again how they have ensured everything was 100% standard.

Now COB says that they found the Original manuscript “with LRH’s hand written notes and edits”. Note we already had it apparently in archives. So the Original that was meticulously compared to in 1989 was the wrong original? And who did that? Transcriptionists form 1951? Nope – AVC and RTRC.


So for TWENTY YEARS the Church has sold these alter-ised books and claimed they were fully verified.

And now they want Scientologists to buy them all again for $450 for the books only or $3000 for the books and lectures both. And add another $1500 for the new “Book and Lecture” course package (where you do courses on them all.) Total = $4,500 for all the new materials and courses on them.

No credit of course for the ones we already bought before. Even ISE and SOS – both released just a few years ago, nope – you get to buy them again. SOS has over 3,000 punctuation errors it turns out. Do you get a credit for EITHER of the two “new” versions of these books, nope.

Now, consider this:

Ron never noticed:

So when teaching the SHSBC in the mid 60’s and Class VIII course in ’68 and having people study the basic books Ron failed to notice the degree of gross alteration that already existed at the time? And for the next 30 – 35 years, Ron never realized the books were completely riddled with alterations?

Preservation of the tech:

The basic books were etched into stainless steel plates, special archival books, etc. Millions were spent. Of course they were good to go to put them into this permanent form as RTC HAD VERIFIED THEM AS COMPLETELY STANDARD AGAINST THE ORIGINALS.

LRH books to libraries:

Basic books put into libraries around the world. Needs to be redone. Again.

Senseless word-clearing:

Endless thousands of hours of students “clearing their m/u’s” in the alter-ised TRANSCRIPTS – thinking they were written by Ron. Doing this until they “cogged” and came into agreement with the alter-is, or just quietly nodded in “agreement”.

Release of BC in 1992 :

Covered above. The whole point was that Scientology was now 100% standard and so it COULD be released again.

Leather bound editions:

Now utterly worthless. Cost thousands.

No credit given for old alter-ised versions

Even though they were sold to you as 100% source verified, sorry. Buy them again.

Org / Mission Book stocks:

Orgs have paid tens of thousand for the altered versions they have. Now they must pay $45,000 for the “new ones”. Wait a minute – they already paid for the overt products and now have to pay again? So every Org has to cough this up? And every mission. And field groups too. Why? And the math: 150 orgs + 300 missions at $45,000 each = over $20 MILLION.

Destruction of old versions:

Flag has made it absolutely clear all old versions are to be pulped or “turned in”. Makes it hard for qual to have one copy of every book, every issue, every tape that has ever been issued though. Nope, they will simply fade away like all other “old” materials – to be replaced only by the “new”. Makes it impossible to really track changes of course. Maybe everyone can bring in their old copies so we can have a nice book burning bon fire, dance around it and laugh about how we want to “beam the son of a bitch that did that to us”? COB meant the transcriptionists when he made that event joke. Maybe that’s not the right target.

Every auditor and Scn has been instructed to turn over their old books to be pulped and buy the new ones.

People were getting ready to throw away books that are not even amongst the ones republished such as Child Dn, Notes on the Lectures, Book of Case Remedies – they were in such ecstatic glee they were ready to throw out everything – WITHOUT INSPECTION. Holy crap!

I assure you – there will not be a copy left in any Org Qual Library in the world to compare with (despite this being called for in policy).

Previously written up reports:

Oh yea – how about all the reports previously written up on mistakes / confusions in the books? Heavens, who would dare? They were pure LRH ! ! ! Of course when ever I wrote anything up I was told “We have verified them against the LRH originals.” I wonder what def. of “we” “verified” and “originals” were being used there. Of course, I just had m/us and was told to simply clear them.

Don’t need a dictionary:

In the event COB makes it clear that one need not study with a dictionary as all the definitions one could need are in the glossary. “The student does not need to look them up in the 8 dictionaries”. You could interpret what he said in two ways I guess, but he did say something very much like “the space in front of the student will be clear as they will only have the book itself.” Completely out tech. One person on the new book course at Flag asked the Sup about this and how it violated standard word clearing – the Flag sup replied “Humm, I’ll have to clarify that.” Oh Jesus, you need to ask?

AND GET THIS: The new glossary states:

“This glossary is not meant to take the place of standard language or Dianetics or Scientology dictionaries, which should be referred to for any words, terms or phrases that do not appear below.”

Yep, so if they appear in the glossary you don’t need to clear them in a dictionary and clear to full conceptual understanding. This is how it is being done at Flag.

Original Thesis Subjugated:

Although COB sated in the event a Scn could start with The Original Thesis – he highly encouraged them to start with DMSMH. At Flag public are highly pressured to do DMSMH first. Also, there is not even a new extension course for The Original Thesis.

Humm.. yet THIS is the book Ron states again and again as THE BOOK to know. The Why TRs film basically states we should memorize it.

Now – just skip it really. It contains background data that “just creates questions better answered by DMSMH.”

(Insert eye roll here. . . )

Boasting as to speed of delivery:

Based on the figures given in the event for how fast people were getting through the new books, it was figures like:

50 pages in a course slot for SOS
POW in 4 hours
8-80 in 6 hours

Yea, just like the Golden Age of Tech courses are faster than ever, I am sure.

Seriously – these figures are insane – and why boast of them anyway?


Summary of the new books, their history and new revisions could be stated by the equation:


“The attainment of complete impunity by the reduction of one’s own responsibility and the increase of the apparent no responsibility of transcriptionists to infinity”

So, in case you have been wondering what the “word from the inside” is, I hope that satisfies your curiosity.

Hello again to all, and I look forward to participating in this forum more.


Crusty Old Bastard

And here is a follow-up report posted yesterday:

This is what happening with the Orgs right now. Now that the event is over the next step is make the Orgs pay for the lies that DM has been spreading out there and this is the scene.

They have been having events which have cost the Orgs and Missions a lot of money and apparently it’s pretty much run them dry financially.

Of course each Org has to pay for for such events and the staff is being sacrificed financially so that David Miscavige can glorify himself.

Since the Church is now republishing every single book LRH ever wrote and they are asking all Scientologists to return every book they have so that they can be recycled.

Every book in every Org or Mission has been already removed from the shelves and are being recycled as well.

In a few short weeks, there isn’t going to be an original LRH book on the planet.

That’s the plan…Nice.

The reason for this? As we all know, according to them, when the books were first published they were dictated by LRH and the transcriptionists misunderstood the words due to low quality sound.

At the time they “were not able to fix this problem” in the ’80s, or ’90s because the technology to decipher the correct wording was not available and it’s available now.

As if in the 80’s we lived in darkness regarding the technology of recording.

So to that; they added that now every single Scientologist, no matter where they are on the Bridge is ordered to read all of LRH’s books again but only the new version.

And they have to do this before they can do their next step on the bridge. The result they say is that they’ll be able to go up the bridge 10 times faster.

Does this make sense? Reading again ALL the books will make them go 10 times faster? Have they lost their minds?

Little Davey is becoming very adept at brainwashing as we can see. And I bet there are goign to be a lot of fools doing exactly what he asks.

In other words, DM wants to truly erradicate, obliterate the original Tech once and for all.

And also wants all the GAT trained auditors who already had altered Tech, to have even more altered tech, of the altered tech…nice.

It looks to me that he is fighting Scientology a lot harder than Psychiatry.

Those pictures that Patty put the other day in the internet from the event where they depict the word psychistrist and a bomb should instead say, ‘Scientology’.

The only thing David forgot is that Ebay cannot be destroyed and inquiring minds will want to know what LRH wrote int he 60’s and the 70’s…will he be able to forbid the sales of the original books??? I
wanna know…


Stand up, Scientologists!  Refuse to purchase these squirreled books and demand the removal of David Miscavige from his senior post in Scientology.

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7 Comments on “Altering the Tech”

  1. Sammy Y Says:

    DM has got some serious balls. I’d bet my Morgage that all the org members will pay out for the new materials though.

    Got a little quote from Orwell “It is not merely that speeches, statistics and records of every kind must be constantly brought up to date in order to show that the predictions of the party were right in all cases right. it is also that no change in doctrine or in political alignment can ever be admitted. For to change ones mind, or even one’s policy, is a confession of weakness.” (George Orwell, 1984)

    I know everyone quotes Orwell, but he was right about everything. If only he’d lived longer he could have written about Scientology….. Oh thats right he did, 1984.

  2. Artoo45 Says:

    What a titanic waste of paper and time. Now Li’l Davy’s gonna take out all the batshit crazy “tech” and put . . . what in it’s place? The mind positively reels . . . I don’t see how he can top the Hoi Polloi and the Gorilla Goals for total loopiness. At least Hubbard was a colorful, creative charlatan, Miscavige has to be about the least likable person on the planet.

  3. Dennis Says:

    My sister recently bought the new version of Dianetics and was saying to me how fast she is reading it. How should couldn’t believe how quick she was getting through it and the amount of gains she was having. Yet a week later she was saying how it took her ages to get through her Agatha Christie book, which she often reads late at night to send her off to sleep.

    This makes it clear to me that Scientologists will believe anything that Scientology hierarchy says despite their own mind and body saying otherwise.

  4. XENU TV Says:

    Was Dianetics touched? I thought that was one of the texts that came straight out of Hubbard’s typewriter so they couldn’t blame others for botching it?

  5. TonyH Says:

    Did DM refer to “Hell?” Did he really also say “Oh Jesus?” I thought that scientologists didn’t believe in these two subjects. Even as a turn of phrase, would this not be contradictory to scientologists’ believes?

  6. TonyH Says:

    My bad. I misread that article as being from the mouth of DM himself. I (almost) take back my last comment.

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