Operation Reconnect

I continue to be impressed with Anonymous’ commitment and their skill at getting out a message.  The April theme will be disconnection.

“Scheduled to take place during April, Operation Reconnect will shine a spotlight on families torn apart by the Church of Scientology. The aim is to bring these families together, with a number of the “disconnected” giving detailed accounts of their experience with Scientology and making public pleas to their families to “reconnect” with them.”

They have a thread about the project over at Enturbulation.org.

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7 Comments on “Operation Reconnect”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Reconnect will be epic win.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I agree that this will be Epic Win. Let us help those disconnected souls reconnect.

  3. I’ve got to say, watching this video, anyone who doesn’t tear up a bit near the end is clearly not human, and is, in fact, a robot. Well done Anonymous.

  4. lafayette Says:

    We will enjoy not only big lulz, but truly epic lulz. In Australia the 15th rocked like a sock! have a looky at the pix! Wise Bearded man’s beard is very loooooong, and reaches to the corners of the earth to spread his wise. Australian critics/anons want to wish you the best.
    AND HAVE A REST FFS! you’ve been going nuts in the last few months!

  5. ntelekt Says:

    This video is amazing!

  6. Anonymous #8675309 Says:

    “and is, in fact, a robot.”

    Or David Miscavige.

  7. marc farley Says:

    My son, Josh, was adopted by Ron Miscavige Jr. about 1973 in NY I think. His mother was Sally Harvey. I would like to know where he is and how to get in touch with him; I’ve been looking for him for years.

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