Anderson Cooper 360

ORIGINAL BROADCAST DATE: Thursday January 17, 2008

Anderson Cooper reports on the Tom Cruise Freedom Medal of Valor videotape making waves on the web.

In this segment Cooper grills Scientologist Bruce Wiseman on the insane Scientology belief that psychiatrists are the behind all the evils in the world.

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16 Comments on “Anderson Cooper 360”

  1. Emma Says:

    Thanks! I missed this when it aired and have been dying to see it.

  2. Tub3dYou Says:

    Ditto on what that SP above me said ;o)

  3. Bill W Says:

    I take a “psych drug” for my speech problem and have gone thru the process Anderson speaks about. I had about 3 weeks of talk therapy before it was determined I could benefit from the drug. I get regular blood tests to make sure that i am not being damaged by the drug.

    I also believe drug like Ritalin and other behavior alter substances are over-prescribed in our country. Not to agree with COS, but there are too many drugs given to too many children.

  4. paulhorner Says:

    Thanks for webbing this Mark!

  5. Ulf Says:

    Psychiatric healthcare is based on science, scientology is not…

    Thanks for all your work Mark.

  6. R. Hill Says:

    Thank you very much for this one. I hadn’t seen Anderson vs. Bruce Wiseman.

    Wiseman says that psychiatry is pseudoscience, and when Anderson says that the same qualifier could apply to Scientology, Wiseman says that Scientology is a religion, it doesn’t pretend to be a science.

    I say “Liar!” (not a rare occurrence when a Scientology spokesperson speaks)

    There is “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health”, that doesn’t sound too religious to me.

    Then, how about this “What is Scientology?” flyer: “The first science to determine the basic cause of disease. […] The first science of the mind to prove conclusively that physical illness can stem from mental disturbance […]”. As a matter of fact, you will find the 18 occurrences of word “science” in that flyer.

    The content of this flyer is part of Scientology scripture, as it was written by Hubbard himself. You can see the original policy letter there:

  7. Csaba Says:

    My comment is related to psychiatrists vs $cio (second video).

    I agree that drugs and electro shock cannot solve your mental problems. You can make alive zombies with electroshock and drugs (destroying the mind or narcotize someone) so they will not cause any more trouble.

    Anyhow I think this is not the real reason why the church attacks psychiatrists. This is just the PR.

    I think this attack is going on to hide the source of procedures (some which works in $cio). And it works, members are not allowed to study any other spiritual technology (or any other technology which deals with the mind). I have read some studies on the internet which found the sources of some techniques came from psychiatrist researchers. Even the son of Hubbard said in his report with Penthouse that his father does not researched Dianetics but he had collected it from several sources and cook up the rest.
    I think the other hidden intention behind it to get full control over the mind field. The biggest concurrency of them. They advertise that no one can have exclusiveness on mind but they are doing the opposite. Very similarly as they promote themselves as the most ethical group on the planet but actually they are one of the worst SP group.

  8. michael Says:

    perhaps ‘the whole universe’ is …random,reactive, reasoning, and reconciling….

    perhaps our current understanding of ‘the physical universe’ is still predominantly across the lower end of the spectrum

  9. Min Joy Says:

    “I think the other hidden intention behind it to get full control over the mind field. The biggest concurrency of them. They advertise that no one can have exclusiveness on mind but they are doing the opposite. Very similarly as they promote themselves as the most ethical group on the planet but actually they are one of the worst SP group.”

    Yes indeed. Thats the hypocracy of it all. They depend on methods developed through psychiatric research to induct, and keep their followers.

    “A destructive (or totalist) cult exploits its members’ vulnerability in order to gain complete control over them, often using unethical psychological techniques to bring about thought reform” – Excerpt on Cults from

    “In addition to this authoritarian leadership structure, some primary characteristics of a destructive cult include:

    -Charismatic leadership
    -Deception in recruiting
    -Use of thought-reform methods
    -Isolation (physical and/or psychological)
    -Demand for absolute, unquestioning devotion and loyalty
    -Sharp, unsurpassable distinction between “us” (good, saved) and “them” (bad, going to Hell)
    -“Inside language” that only members fully understand
    -Strict control over members’ daily routines”

    Tell me one thing about their tactics that ISN’T psychological..

  10. M. Ram Says:

    Now of course they’ll resort to slander against Anderson Cooper. Do Scientologists use rumors of homosexuality when they “fair game” opponents?

  11. Xenu Worshipper Says:

    I am starting the Church of Xenu. All hail the mighty Xenu. Death to Scientology 😉

  12. Anon Says:

    And i thought islam was bad, at least they fight for a cause. CoS pussies are a bunch of schizoid whackjobs.

  13. anna Says:

    Unbelievable. It would be funny if it was just that one guy who believed that crap.

    Does he honestly think ECT is like sticking a fork in a wall socket?? Or that serotonin and dopamine aren’t real??

    You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to buy this manure.

  14. Sanjay Says:

    I missed this when it aired and have been dying to see it

  15. drstrangelove Says:

    Psychiatry is a pseudo science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me a year to stop laughing at this.

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