The Bridge is Out

Well, I certainly blew my plan of blogging every day but I’m back and renewed and ready to jump in again.  Unfortunately, I have bad news.  Brett Hanover has requested that “The Bridge” be removed from the net so I have taken it down. 

There have been times lately when we consider that Scientology may have actually been reforming itself.   Since I started XENU TV, I’ve seen their behavior radically change in front of my camera.  They no longer act like complete loons when I am taping, abandoning the “What are your crimes” tactics which they learn from bullbaiting drills.

We’ve seen explosive episodes like “South Park” air without any legal attack.  “The Bridge” went up and no lawsuit happened.  Were they no longer litigious?  Maybe they have changed?   Maybe there is less reason to criticize the group?

Now it appears that Scientology has hired investigators to dig up dirt on Brett Hanover to shudder him into silence.  They have succeeded.  So Scientology hasn’t changed.  It seems it can’t change.  Which means people have to keep speaking out about it’s corrupt nature.

I feel sorry for Brett.  I am not upset he asked for the film to be removed from the net.  I’m disappointed but I know once the info is out there, it never disappears.  Thousands of people already have a copy of the movie and will continue to share it with others so it will never go away.

Unlike “The Profit,” which is hidden away on a shelf and unseen by the very people who might find some benefit from it, “The Bridge” will continue to exist and hopefully, Brett will be left alone to continue on and grow as a filmmaker.  He is a talented person indeed.

XENU TV is still around.  The site is being moved to a new server so many of the links are currently broken but the process is moving much faster than expected and it should be back to normal soon. 

Whenever the site goes down for repairs, I get frantic emails wondering if Scientology has silenced me.  The answer is no.  But should that day ever come, I know the videos will still get shown by all the people who have downloaded them, as will “The Bridge.”

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15 Comments on “The Bridge is Out”

  1. David Copperfield Says:

    Scientologists will burn in eternal hellfire for the rest of their lives.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Fuck scientology and their extremist actions. They’re worse than the FCC.

  3. Bob Says:

    I’m sick and tired of they’re shit. Jesus needs to bust OSA’s ass with his eternal glory.

  4. zorro Says:

    let’s share our personal copy with friends outside of the net in private parties
    in french for those who get it and to osas who read it
    “j’emmerde la scientologie ,vous n’etes que des gangsters et loin de la une “religion” ….
    vous n’etes que des escrocs!!

    in france you may read

  5. Trams Says:

    Everything evil will soon come down,and I would like to be around,when they take away little david’s crown,and bye to osa’s forever.I lived the lies and wanted to believe,scientology was for me,but I awoke in this nightmare, only because someone cared,and bye to osa’s forever.

  6. anonymous Says:

    Did you know that the word ‘wog’ in Great Britain is an unacceptable racial slur, much favoured by racist stand-up comics of the 1970s? It’s clear that the word/acronym in this case has a vastly different meaning, and that this site has nothing to do with such distasteful things, but it was extremely odd to see it pop up on the list of top sites. Scientologists are dangerous, intolerant lunatics and any attempt to expose their ridiculous cult is to be encouraged, but the title of this site isn’t going to fare well with Brits.

  7. Ray Lambert Says:

    Re: anonymous posting 14.10.2006

    Sorry to disillusion you and other readers of this site, the term WOG is infact complimentary and not derogatory, it stems from use in London arround the 1950 during the influx of workers from the British Colonies in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia as well as the indian Sun Continent.

    The true translation is Westernised Oriental Gentleman which through truncation ended up as the accromym WOG.

    Evil is in the eye of the beholder and educated “Brits” (it its self an awful gereralisation for English) including those to whom the slur is intended see it used with amusement by those not in the know

  8. xenutv Says:

    Ray, my head is spinning now. Insult…compliment…it’s all so confusing. If I weren’t a mere wog, I could sort it all out.

  9. five pointed star Says:

    It sure sounds as if the filmmaker is scared, but are you sure that digging up dirt (i.e., blackmail) was the method, rather than legal threats about the film? The film included excerpts of Scientology-made tapes. While really interesting for us “wogs” to see, the fact is that probably does constitute a copyright violation. Anyway, if you think they used other methods, I’d be interested to know why.

    Keep up the good work with Xenu-TV.

  10. rsthomps Says:

    By distributing it on the web for free, does not infringe on copyright laws because there’s no profit being made. It is classified as a documentary, actors were used to shield the actual people.
    I had this film but lost it, would like to download another copy…help

  11. L-oser R-ejects O-therwise N-eglected Says:

    xenu wasn’t olivia newton jphn in that movie. she really can roller skate. wow a religion about roller skating.

  12. anonymous Says:

    Ray Lambert: “Evil is in the eye of the beholder and educated “Brits” (it its self an awful gereralisation for English) including those to whom the slur is intended see it used with amusement by those not in the know”

    Next time you’re in Britain call a black person a ‘wog’ and see how far you get before you’re thumped.

  13. NRG Says:

    Hey Mark! Got an email I can reach you at? Love to catch up … from, the guy who introduced you to L. Ron (in a cafe in Arizona, I think it was). I’m amazed by the movie “The Bridge” – seems like the filmmaker somehow gained access to an actual org, or else had a lot of money for art direction!

  14. […] From Xenu TV Now it appears that Scientology has hired investigators to dig up dirt on Brett Hanover to shudder him into silence.  They have succeeded.  So Scientology hasn’t changed.  It seems it can’t change.  Which means people have to keep speaking out about it’s corrupt nature. […]

  15. […] critic Mark Bunker wrote at the time, “It appears that Scientology has hired investigators to dig up dirt on Brett Hanover to shudder […]

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